

PEHA safety programs promote a desirable neighborhood through crime prevention and safety awareness activities.


To ensure that our homes and families are safe, our Vice President of Safety monitors and enforces the appropriate zoning and city regulations relevant to traffic, parking and other safety concerns affecting the neighborhood. Safety is also responsible for coordinating with Crime Watch, the Dallas Police Department, the Dallas Fire Department and City of Dallas Parking and Street Departments.


2025 PEHA Board Member Contact Info

VP - Safety

 Wayne and Elena Hines


We Care about

PEHA safety initiatives

  • Maintain an active crime watch program through Volunteers in Patrol, VIP.
  • Encourage safety practices and routines that help PEHA residents be proactive in protecting their homes, personal property and persons.
  • Communicate with residents about unusual crime activity in our immediate neighborhood or surrounding area.


vip: Volunteers-in-patrol

PEHA has a Crime Watch group staffed by Volunteers-in-Patrol (VIP) who drive all neighborhood streets and alleys as an essential part of a crime prevention strategy. Patrollers use their personal vehicles which are clearly identified with orange reflective VIP signage and amber strobe light. During a two-hour patrol, VIPs watch for unusual or suspicious activity, summoning Dallas Police 911 for assistance as may be needed. In addition, our patrollers contact residents directly when they observe open garage doors or gates that that may leave the resident vulnerable to property theft or other crimes of opportunity. 


The Volunteers-In -Patrol program is coordinated and sanctioned by the Dallas Police Department. Only those who have completed new patroller training conducted quarterly by the DPD may participate in the patrol program. If you are interested in becoming a VIP, please contact Paula Koob,


Help Us Help You


There are a few things you can do to help us patrol more effectively and protect yourself at the same time.

  • Complete the member profile and contact information on this website or by completing an Annual Membership Drive form.
  • Use this website to update your information when contact information changes. This information is shared securely with trained patrollers to facilitate contact as needed.
  • Visibly post your house number in both the front and back of the home.
  • Keep porch and garage lights on overnight.  Criminals will usually avoid well lit homes.


If you see anything that is unusual or suspicious, call 911 immediately.


National Night Out (NNO)

Each year, Texas celebrates National Night Out in October when the weather becomes a bit cooler while the rest of the United States celebrates in June.  Each block organizes activities like – Meet and Greet, Providing Hot Dogs or Pot Luck food dishes to encourage the whole block to come out and meet neighbors who live in your “Circle” of neighbors. Meet and get to know the people to the left and right on your side of the street, and the houses across the street. 


parking Safely

Your vehicles are safest when parked in the garage. But for any number of reasons, residents may need to park on the street or in the driveway. Theft of property from a motor vehicle is one of the most common type of crime incident in our neighborhood. If you must park outside, please do what you can to protect your car and personal property.

  • Park in a well-lit area such as a lit driveway, under a street light or area illuminated by porch or other outdoor lights.
  • Take, Hide and Lock. Do not leave personal belongings in your car. If you  keep personal property in the vehicle, secure it out of sight in the trunk. Lock unattended vehicles at all times,


Avoiding a parking citation

  • Park on the "right" side of the street with your car facing the same direction as traffic. Cars parked "against traffic" are subject to citation. Please make sure guests and service providers are aware.
  • During bulk trash pick up week, do not park cars in front of bulk trash. When trucks cannot get close to the bulk trash due to a parked vehicle, Waste Services workers will not pick up the trash. If this happens, call 311 for a pick up (see Zoning tab). You may be subject to a zoning violation.
  • It is a City of Dallas violation of a parking regulation to park cars on the street for more than 24 continuous hours in the same location.


Safety Communications

 PEHA communicates Safety information, alerts and tips in several forms, be sure to check the following:

  • A website focused on homeowners associations where you can select the HOA’s you want to connect with. If you are only interested in PEHA, set filters accordingly.
  • Email blasts: be sure that we have your email address in your membership profile information.



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